Ada PD is right, James Arnold Allen is "out there" and "needs to be on meds." Anyone who thinks that it's wise to file a subpoena for something not at all pertaining to the matter or venue their stayed case is in, "needs some counselling." This guy crossed into outright fraud and what's worse, I don't think he realizes it.
The Pontotoc Sherriff refused service. I wonder why?
The dogs are closing in on little frail and pale Jimmy, with the poor hernia. Oh no, so terrible.
James, if you really want to know who I am, just email and I'll be happy to tell you, just have to admit what a sorry, lying, cuck bitch, sack of shit that you are. It would still be nice if you'd get a job, pay your bills, parents, child support, etc., but let's start with that admission and we'll go from there, baby steps..
Best part about this? You wasted $50 that was probably leeched off your parents.
Stay tuned, the best is yet to come.
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