Ada PD is right, James Arnold Allen is "out there" and "needs to be on meds." Anyone who thinks that it's wise to file a subpoena for something not at all pertaining to the matter or venue their stayed case is in, "needs some counselling." This guy crossed into outright fraud and what's worse, I don't think he realizes it. The Pontotoc Sherriff refused service . I wonder why? The dogs are closing in on little frail and pale Jimmy, with the poor hernia. Oh no, so terrible. James, if you really want to know who I am, just email and I'll be happy to tell you, just have to admit what a sorry, lying, cuck bitch, sack of shit that you are. It would still be nice if you'd get a job, pay your bills, parents, child support, etc., but let's start with that admission and we'll go from there, baby steps.. Best part about this? You wasted $50 that was probably leeched off your parents. Stay tuned, the best is...
This blog is dediated to James "Stryx" Arnold Allen, everyone's favorite internet stalker, luantic, and stolen valor monger. Beware of having any association with this person.