I didn't think this little ole' blog would've blown up. We just crossed 1100 hits! Keep on spreading the good word! We will have the YouTube chan running soon where everyone can discuss the ramblings of everyone's favorite mentally incompetent internet stalker, James Arnold Allen--and merch is in the works!
OhHh nOOO! nOt a FeDeRaL DepoSiTioN!!!
Let me guess, he's referring to some of the same batpoop crazy ramblings filed in FR-2018-00004. Perhaps that latest 70+ pages of nonsense?! Elmo, like everyone else, DoeSn'T CarE aBoUt a SquAttIng CrAzY cOnmaN. How can one twist reality bad enough in their own head where they feel anyone with a right mind would care about the mindless, incoherent ramblings of a clinically insane deadbeat?
And on with the show!
OhHh nOOO! nOt a FeDeRaL DepoSiTioN!!!
Let me guess, he's referring to some of the same batpoop crazy ramblings filed in FR-2018-00004. Perhaps that latest 70+ pages of nonsense?! Elmo, like everyone else, DoeSn'T CarE aBoUt a SquAttIng CrAzY cOnmaN. How can one twist reality bad enough in their own head where they feel anyone with a right mind would care about the mindless, incoherent ramblings of a clinically insane deadbeat?
Check out the link to stay current on mindless batpoop:
Elmo ThinKs JamEs ArnOLd AlLen shOUld drOp thE inTErNet mAchOisM aNd gEt a job, pay his child support, join reality, and stop scamming people -- paying your folks rent would be nice too! ThIs WoUld Make ElmO SoOoo HappPPY!!
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